Cactus Bot
A fun discord bot where you live the life of a cactus and try to become the tallest!
Prefix: =
Source Code: |
Invite link:
aliases: None
arguments: None
description: Shows list of the commands and what they do.
arguments: None
description: Shows list of the commands and what they do.
aliases: invite, uptime, source, source-code, prefix
arguments: None
description: Gives info about the bot: the prefix, link to source code, invite link, uptime
arguments: None
description: Gives info about the bot: the prefix, link to source code, invite link, uptime
aliases: profile, stats, height, size, cmpg, hpg
arguments: optional(id/tag/mention/nickname)
description: Shows you your stats (height, cm per growth, cm per min, multiplier, daily reward status). You can also do
arguments: optional(id/tag/mention/nickname)
description: Shows you your stats (height, cm per growth, cm per min, multiplier, daily reward status). You can also do
=prof user
(replace 'user' with their id/tag/mention/nickname) to see stats for someone else.
aliases: None
arguments: None
description: Main way to gain cm. Has a cooldown of 10 seconds. Growth is depending on your cm per growth which can be increased by buying items from the shop.
arguments: None
description: Main way to gain cm. Has a cooldown of 10 seconds. Growth is depending on your cm per growth which can be increased by buying items from the shop.
aliases: None
arguments: optional(page number)
description: View the items in the shop. Items in the shop increase your cm per growth. Press the arrows at the bottom to change page. You can also do
arguments: optional(page number)
description: View the items in the shop. Items in the shop increase your cm per growth. Press the arrows at the bottom to change page. You can also do
=shop num
(replace 'num' with a page number) to go directly to a certain page.
aliases: None
arguments: item
description: Buy an item from the shop. Use in the form:
arguments: item
description: Buy an item from the shop. Use in the form:
=buy item
(replace 'item' with the item you want).
aliases: ishop, i-shop, idle_shop
arguments: optional(page number)
description: View the items in the idle-shop. Items in the idle-shop increase your cm per minute. Press the arrows at the bottom to change page. You can also do
arguments: optional(page number)
description: View the items in the idle-shop. Items in the idle-shop increase your cm per minute. Press the arrows at the bottom to change page. You can also do
=idle-shop num
(replace 'num' with a page number) to go directly to a certain page.
aliases: ibuy, idle_buy
arguments: item
description: Buy an item from the idle-shop. Use in the form:
arguments: item
description: Buy an item from the idle-shop. Use in the form:
=idle-buy item
(replace 'item' with the item you want).
aliases: habitat
arguments: None
description: View the habitats that you could move to. Habitats increase your multiplier.
arguments: None
description: View the habitats that you could move to. Habitats increase your multiplier.
aliases: change_habitat
arguments: habitat
description: Move to a new habitat. Habitats increase your multiplier.
arguments: habitat
description: Move to a new habitat. Habitats increase your multiplier.
aliases: daily_reward, daily, dailyreward
arguments: None
description: Collect your daily reward.
arguments: None
description: Collect your daily reward.
aliases: leaders, ranks, ranking
arguments: None
description: View the top 10 tallest users and their height.
arguments: None
description: View the top 10 tallest users and their height.
aliases: suggestion, suggestions
arguments: message
description: Suggest an improvement or something to be added to the bot to make it better.
arguments: message
description: Suggest an improvement or something to be added to the bot to make it better.
aliases: bugs, report, bug_report, bug-report
arguments: message
description: Report a bug that you have found. Please be as specific as you can.
arguments: message
description: Report a bug that you have found. Please be as specific as you can.
Discord: CodingCactus#6777